THE VIOLET TRIBE 2009 - 2014
We've had five gorgeous years with you, Thank you for your support!
please feel free to enyoy our music, pictures and videos!
The Violet Tribe, das welterste Underground-Music-and-Bellydance-Projekt, fusioniert trickreiche Electrobeats, wilde, mittelalterlich inspirierte Tribalsounds, tanzbare Ohrwürmer und orientalische Melancholie zu einer ausgefallenen, glamourösen und leicht gespentischen Kuriositätenkollektion. Musik und Tanz sind die gleichberechtigten Zutaten dieses extravaganten Unterhaltungscocktails!
The Violet Tribe presents a ravishing collection of disturbingly unique tunes that comes up with a variety of different styles of music. TVT is run by a spooky, quirky bunch of underground
musicians and dancers, all of them notorious and well-known to their sophisticated audience. They are influenced by oriental and medieval soundculture, electronic breakbeats, melancholic melodies
and wild folkoristic dances.
[line up]
Bianca Stücker: Vocals, Music & Production, Synths
& Programming, Harpsichord, Dulcimer, Recorders, Shawms, Percussion, Performance
Dr. P/Oliver Pietsch: Guitars
Miss Lily Qamar: Vocals, Dulcimer, Percussion,
Arzo-Carina Renz: E-Bass, Performance
Katha Hari: Vocals, Percussion, Performance
Tala: Vocals, Keys, Performance
"The Violet Tribe has artfully combined the sound of the music hall with the skill of orchestral arrangement and added a fun dose of electronica."
Victoria Whitecotton, Fuse Magazine, Winter/Spring 2011/2012
„15 remarkable tracks of different genres sum up to a truly ravishing collection of curios!“
Zaghareet (USA), 07/08/2010